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Thursday, November 01, 2007


Today is just historical to me because another dream of mine came true! Some might say it was too easy a goal to achieve, but I can assure them it was not (and for a couple of reasons, really). I've tried to tick this check box in my Dream List way before today, and recurrently! But, let's get back to the exciting news 'cause, as some may have guessed from this post's title, I now own… a chunck of Apple, Inc.! No less :) !

If I've always (pro)actively promoted Apple's fantastic products around me (can provide references upon request… and at will ;) !), I've been rather passive all these years as a trader ("thanks" to some rigid French banks, I have to admit!) People were often amazed about my *huge* motivation to "sell" them the latest Apple goodies—from early morning to late at night (sic)—, and often thought I was an Apple employee and/or one of their shareholders. That was not the case… until today!!! (*)

(*) If I briefly was an Apple employee, I alas no longer am :( ! But I'd give anything I have to work there again. So Apple, don't hesitate to send me your offer :) ! Thanks.

Sure, it may have been a *huge* argument to convince them ("Why does this guy want me to buy a Mac then? What would he earn in doing so???") But it's time to think a bit about myself (and a li'l bit more about Apple as well, of course ;) !) So I recently decided to move to the next level, selected a new bank, opened an account, and today bought a nice share of Apple stocks. Yay! I'm happy :) ! Now, let's get prepared to buy a cute iPhone, plus one of those perfect MacBook Pro 13.3"… (Yep, this thin/slim/sub/whatever version to hopefully come soon ;) !)

Disclaimer: Yes, I (now) am an Apple shareholder :) !!! So from now on, I might virtually earn some money from my natural, ongoing, still strong propaganda :P ! You've been warned ;) ! (Note to self: Really have to learn to stop using smileys…)

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Make a Wish!

Some may remember that quite recently, I've been able to make an old dream come true. And today, I prepare myself… to smash another one!

Indeed, and like a couple of other examples I couldn't have dreamt of (more on them in some future posts…), I'm gonna live something I thought impossible, and in some odd circumstances too!

Note to Florian: You may think I'm gonna reiterate the li'l teasing game I played with my readers in some previous posts; but you're wrong :) ! Here, I'm gonna tell you all in this very post!

OK. So let's be more specific…

Most (?) of you know I'm a die-hard fan of Tears for Fears. (Frankly, I'm not sure I still am; but I definitely was.) It consciously (*) started in 1989, with the single release of Sowing the Seeds of Love—and more precisely with the constant airing of its terrific video by the French TV channel MCM (new at this time). I won't go into much details now, but in no time, I was hooked.

(*) Actually, it subconsciously started in 1985, with my sister playing Shout and Everybody Wants to Rule the World in Repeat mode in her bedroom ;) !

Alas, the duet split soon thereafter, and I haven't had the opportunity to see them live… Until today :) !!! Indeed, I'm about to see both of them live, on the same stage, and IN MY OWN CITY!!! This is simply *A-MA-ZING*! So the date is saved 'cause on Tuesday, March 27, 2007, from 08:00 PM, if all goes well (gasp), I'm gonna tick another check box in my Dreams-to-do List ;) !

I can't wait…

Update: And of course, it was a blast, as Curt said on his blog:
We arrive in Marseilles around 6.30pm, just enough time for a quick shower and an early dinner with the family before we're back in the bus and on our way to the show.

The audience tonight were fantastic, all on their feet and joining in, it was fun.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Now I know it's true!

Time has passed since my initial post on this topic (see "I still can't realize it's true! (Part 1)"). That's why I'm now convinced it really happened. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here's a photo showing a detail of my ol' "friend":

apple //e (DSCN0988)
Yep. All this buzz was about a very old computer. To be more precise, it's all about… an Apple //e (sigh). But this is not a common Apple //e; this is the Apple //e I've extensively enjoyed using during my childhood. Indeed, I've managed to get my hands back on it, so many years after letting it go…

You're right, it may just be a machine. But it's a machine that learnt me English while I was not 11 years old yet. It's a machine that initiated my (still-alived, and very strong) passion for Apple—and, in a broader sense, for quality. It's a machine that made me dream while being a child, that built my desire to become a software engineer while being a student, and it's still it which is the reason why I today earn my money happily working in this industry. So yes, it's just a machine, and I'm deeply glad it's back at home.

I'll finish this post by thanking my father for turning me into an Apple boy years ago, and all the people who've been involved in helping me get my ol' friend back today; they know who they are… I've just made another dream come true. Next :P !

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I still can't realize it's true! (Part 1)

As always, it takes me some time to blog about something. Sorry about that, but real-time posting is not available for me yet ;) ! But I'd really like to take some time now to tell you how much I'm happy since I saw it again, many, many years later. 'Cause now it's real, confirmed, verified, finalised.

I may have said to some of you that "something", something huge was going to happen. I didn't want to give any detail before it was here; hence the mystery surrounding this topic. But now, it's over. Yes, this is for real. Yes, I'm still amazed that it happened. 'Cause yes, it happened: on monday's evening, I've said hello again to an old friend of mine.

I don't have time to tell you more now—it's late… But I'll post "Part 2" soon, I promise. In the meantime, don't expect too much: I know it won't be of any interest to most of you ;) ! I just hope that some will understand my joy :P ! Because I may have made a secret dream come true this past monday.

To be continued…
